Judicator - At the Expense of Humanity 2015
Исполнитель: Judicator
Альбом: At the Expense of Humanity
Страна: United States
Жанр: Power Metal
Год: 2015
Формат: MP3 CBR 320
Размер: 154 МБ
Файлообменник: Yadisk
1. A Picture of Fading Light
2. God's Failures
3. Cannibalistic Mind
4. Coping Mechanism
5. My Fantasy Destroyed
6. Lucid Nightmare
7. The Rain in the Meadow
8. Nemesis/Fratricide
9. Autophagia
10. Life Support
11. At the Expense of Humanity
12. How Long Can You Live Forever?
13. Enantiodromia
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